sábado, 12 de diciembre de 2015


Hello, It's me again.
Having a Smartphone is not going to improve your physical health but, it can help you. We're living in a techonological world so, it is obvious to think that there are some ways to make our fitness training more enjoyable.
Today I'm going to talk about apps.
Here are my favourites fitness apps.


Start training with MY ASICS. Create personalized running training plans for full marathons, half marathons, 10K, 5K, 10 mile and 5 mile distances. MY ASICS training plans adapt to your goals and abilities as you run, and automatically adjust your schedule if you miss a run day. You can also track your running route, total time, lap times, distance, and average pace in real time.

7 MINUTE WORKOUT “Seven” with High Intensity Interval Training Challenge

7 minutes for 7 months .Using nothing more than a chair, a wall, and your own body weight, the 7-minute workout is based on scientific studies to provide the maximum benefit of working out regularly in the shortest time possible.

Earn money for charities every time you run, walk, or bicycle by using the free Charity Miles app. Corporate sponsors agree to donate a few cents for every mile you complete. Browse the app's list of charities, find the one that you support, and then hit the road.

Hope you find them useful.
See you soon.

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