lunes, 14 de diciembre de 2015


Hello, it's me again.

As I told you in my last post, I wanted to improve my endurance. Today, I'm going to show you my training session. In this session I am going to do a continuous run.
Continuous running involves working for a sustained period of time without rest.

First, I warm up.
I run a little bit and I strech every part of my body to avoid getting injured. Remember that warming up is really important and you always must do it.

After warming up, I run for about 20 minutes without rest. 

Here is a video of myself practising the continuous running.

Other days I practise Interval running, which is alternating periods of hard excersice and rest.

Here are two videos of myself practising the interval running.

Now, it's time to cool down. You should keep walking and strech a little bit to relax.

I really hope that you've liked this post. 
You can comment below if you have any doubt.
See you soon.


Hey, It's me again.

Before I start, I want to tell you a llitle bit about the project I had to do. It is called Personal Training Project or PTP. I have six weeks to create a training programme and to improve my flexibility and my endurance.

So today, I am going to share with you some of my training sessions.

First, I am going to tell you about a flexibility training session.

By increasing your flexibility you can improve your ability to move around. It is involved in every type of warm up and it is true to say that better flexibility results in better fitness. 

To warm up, walk a few minutes . Stretching your muscles before they are warmed up may result in injury.

Now, you should strech every part of your body (neck, shoulders, arms...)

Here are some excercises that will help you to improve your flexibility.

And that's it. If you follow this, you will see the results soon.
Keep moving.

sábado, 12 de diciembre de 2015


Hello, It's me again.
Having a Smartphone is not going to improve your physical health but, it can help you. We're living in a techonological world so, it is obvious to think that there are some ways to make our fitness training more enjoyable.
Today I'm going to talk about apps.
Here are my favourites fitness apps.


Start training with MY ASICS. Create personalized running training plans for full marathons, half marathons, 10K, 5K, 10 mile and 5 mile distances. MY ASICS training plans adapt to your goals and abilities as you run, and automatically adjust your schedule if you miss a run day. You can also track your running route, total time, lap times, distance, and average pace in real time.

7 MINUTE WORKOUT “Seven” with High Intensity Interval Training Challenge

7 minutes for 7 months .Using nothing more than a chair, a wall, and your own body weight, the 7-minute workout is based on scientific studies to provide the maximum benefit of working out regularly in the shortest time possible.

Earn money for charities every time you run, walk, or bicycle by using the free Charity Miles app. Corporate sponsors agree to donate a few cents for every mile you complete. Browse the app's list of charities, find the one that you support, and then hit the road.

Hope you find them useful.
See you soon.


First of all, I would like to present myself. My name is Nuria and I'm from Spain. My P.E. teacher has told my class to do a Project about fitness. So, the aim of this blog is to encourage you and help you with your fitness training.

After this explanation, I'd like to share with you some websites that I've found really interesting and useful. All of them are about fitness tests, so, here we go.

This website is dedicated to all things concerning fitness testing, with over 300 fitness tests described, information about conducting and interpreting assessment results, plus much more.

 This second website gives several examples of different fitness tests that you could do, as they can easily be reproduced away from a lab.

I hope that you've liked this post.
See you soon.